Quotes about Battle
Then David left his supplies in the care of the quartermaster and ran to the battle line. When he arrived, he asked his brothers how they were doing.
- 1 Samuel 17:22
And as he was speaking with them, suddenly the champion named Goliath, the Philistine from Gath, came forward from the Philistines and shouted his usual words, which David also heard.
- 1 Samuel 17:23
When all the men of Israel saw Goliath, they fled from him in great fear.
- 1 Samuel 17:24
The people told him about the offer, saying, “That is what will be done for the man who kills him.”
- 1 Samuel 17:27
Now when David’s oldest brother Eliab heard him speaking to the men, his anger burned against David. “Why have you come down here?” he asked. “And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your pride and wickedness of heart—you have come down to see the battle!”
- 1 Samuel 17:28
And David said to Saul, “Let no man’s heart fail on account of this Philistine. Your servant will go and fight him!”
- 1 Samuel 17:32
But Saul replied, “You cannot go out against this Philistine to fight him. You are just a boy, and he has been a warrior from his youth.”
- 1 Samuel 17:33
Your servant has killed lions and bears; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, for he has defied the armies of the living God.”
- 1 Samuel 17:36
Then Saul clothed David in his own tunic, put a bronze helmet on his head, and dressed him in armor.
- 1 Samuel 17:38
David strapped his sword over the tunic and tried to walk, but he was not accustomed to them. “I cannot walk in these,” David said to Saul. “I am not accustomed to them.” So David took them off.
- 1 Samuel 17:39
And David took his staff in his hand, selected five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag. And with his sling in hand, he approached the Philistine.
- 1 Samuel 17:40
Now the Philistine came closer and closer to David, with his shield-bearer before him.
- 1 Samuel 17:41