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Quotes about Affirmation

The true and not despairing Friend will address his Friend in some such terms as these. I never asked thy leave to let me love thee,--I have a right. I love thee not as something private and personal, which is your own, but as something universal and worthy of love, which I have found. O, how I think of you! You are purely good, --you are infinitely good. I can trust you forever. I did not think that humanity was so rich. Give me an opportunity to live.
- Henry David Thoreau
Convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.
- Germany Kent
You can't talk defeat and expect to have victory. You can't talk lack and expect to have abundance. You've got to send your words out in the direction you want your life to go.
- Joel Osteen
Begin to listen to what you say. Don't say anything that you don't want to become true for you.
- Louise Hay
Praise your children more than you correct them. Praise them for even their smallest achievement.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Expressing passion and gratitude will guide your life. Say it again and again. Say it until you believe it. Say it until you live it.
- Melody Beattie
Say "yes" to life! "Yes" to wonder, to joy, to despair. "Yes" to pain, "yes" to what you don't understand. Try "yes." Try "always." Try "possible." Try "hopeful." Try "I will." And try "I can."
- Leo Buscaglia
If I dwell on what I don't want, then I will get more of it. I affirm only the good in Life.
- Louise Hay
Everything I need to know is revealed to me. Everything I need comes to me. All is well in my life.
- Louise Hay
When we think good thoughts and choose the actions that make us feel good, Life provides us with all the evidence we need that we are loved and cared for.
- Louise Hay
My wife... so grateful for that. Nothing can be bad - going home and having someone making you feel like the best every day.
- Joseph Benavidez
Say to yourself over and over again regardless of what happens: "God loves me!" And then add: "And I will try to love Him!
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen