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Quotes about Vision

Take a few minutes every day to dream big dreams; close your eyes, and envision your dreams coming to pass. Envision yourself out of debt. Envision yourself breaking that addiction. Envision your marriage being more fulfilled. Envision yourself rising to new levels in your career. If you can establish that picture in your heart and mind, then God can begin to bring it to pass in your life.
- Joel Osteen
God is supplying all of our needs. He is Jehovah-Jireh; the Lord our Provider. This may seem impossible but I know God can do the impossible. Where God gives vision He always provides provision.
- Joel Osteen
MARCH 1 Envision Your Dreams I counsel you to buy from me . . . salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. REVELATION 3:18 DO YOU LOOK UPON your life with eyes of faith? Think of it this way: when we close our eyes, we should see more than we do when we have our eyes open. See your whole family serving God. See yourself rising to new levels of effectiveness. See yourself stronger, healthier, and living a more abundant life. See God using you in
- Joel Osteen
God has so much more in store for you, too. Start making room for it in your thinking. Conceive it on the inside. Start seeing yourself rising to a new level, doing something of significance, living in that home of your dreams. If you want to see God's "far and beyond" favor, then you must replace those old wineskins.
- Joel Osteen
I praise You, Father, for opening my eyes to see and understand that You have so much more in store for me. Give me the courage to believe for a good day today and a brighter tomorrow.
- Joel Osteen
What you keep in front of you, you're moving toward.
- Joel Osteen
I've got a big vision. We can reach a lot of people with an extra one hundred million. If you can accomplish your dreams in your own strength, talent, ability, and resources, then your dreams are too small. You don't need God's help with small dreams. Believe big. Your destiny is too great, your assignment too important, to have little goals, little dreams, little prayers.
- Joel Osteen
Does your vision increase around your friends or does it decrease? Do you leave motivated, challenged, or are you discouraged, drained? Not every friend will inspire you, but you should have one or two that light a fire on the inside, that push you forward.
- Joel Osteen
When you keep your vision in front of you, that's your faith being released. That's why the scripture uses such strong language that says people perish for lack of vision. That means dreams die when you don't have vision. If you can't see what God has put in your heart, then you'll miss the incredible things God wants to do.
- Joel Osteen
Don't you dare plan on dying. We need you, so plan on living. Keep the right vision in front of you. You can. You will!
- Joel Osteen
Don't fall into the trap of being negative, complacent, or just taking whatever life brings your way. Set the tone for victory, for success, for new levels. Enlarge your vision. Make room for God to do something new. You haven't touched the surface of what He has in store.
- Joel Osteen
Don't go around year after year expecting the same thing the same way. God is a God of increase. He has greater levels. Where you are is not where you're supposed to stay. You're supposed to rise higher. Have a bigger vision.
- Joel Osteen