Quotes about Cultivating
If right now our emotional reaction to seeing a certain person or hearing certain news is to fly into a rage or to get despondent or something equally extreme, it's because we have been cultivating that particular habit for a very long time.
- Pema Chodron
Respect for self is the beginning of cultivating virtue in men and women.
- Gordon Hinckley
Cultivating your imagination is vital to shaping your life; and faith is a big part of doing that.
- Terri Savelle Foy
The old law vindicated itself by the vengeance of the sword, and plucked out eye for eye, and requited injury with punishment; but the new law pointed to clemency, and changed the former savagery of swords and lances into tranquility, and refashioned the former infliction of war upon rivals and foes of the law into the peaceful acts of ploughing and cultivating the earth. And so . . . the observance of the new law and of spiritual circumcision has shone forth in acts of peaceful obedience.
- Tertullian
The more the loving parts of your personality are the ones you're cultivating, the more opportunity
- Oprah Winfrey
If we are true believers, though we ourselves should sometimes forget, the world will not fail to remind us of the difference between it and us. And, on the other hand, if we at any time feel perfectly at home in the world, if our consciousness of its necessary antagonism to us is entirely in abeyance, then there is abundant reason for us to examine ourselves. And the probability is that we have been backward in cultivating our hope upon God and the world to come.
- Geerhardus Vos
I am interested in cultivating the fundamentally holy nature of all language, including most definitely the casual, spontaneous , unselfconscious conversational language.
- Eugene Peterson
I always felt like my value was much more in my intellect than it was in my appearance, and so that's what I spent time cultivating. And some of that I get from my mother, some of that comes from the schools that I went to, and some of that comes from probably insecurity.
- Kerry Washington
Happiness is the choice I make today. It does not rest on my circumstances, but on my frame of mind. I surrender to God any emotional habits that lead me down the path of unhappiness, and pray for guidance in shifting my thoughts. In cultivating the habits of happiness, I attract the people and situations that match its frequency. I smile more often, give praise more often, give thanks more often, and am glad more often. For such is my choice today.
- Marianne Williamson
Education is helping people understand something they don't already understand. Or, more accurately, education is helping people (young or old) learn how to get an understanding that they didn't already have. Education is cultivating the life of the mind so that it knows how to grow in true understanding. That impulse was unleashed by God's inspiring a book with complex demanding paragraphs in it.
- John Piper
Cultivating quietness is a missing discipline today...the quietness needed to nurture an inner life hid in Christ.
- AW Tozer
Democracy is not a fragile flower still it needs cultivating.
- Ronald Reagan