Quotes about Achievement
Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
- St. Francis Of Assisi
What the mind can conceive and believe, and the heart desire, you can achieve.
- Norman Vincent Peale
The reward of a thing well done is having done it.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
To realize one's destiny is a person's only real obligation.
- Paulo Coelho
It's only pain which leads us to achieve something special.
- Anonymous
Soon you'll see that it's the work—not the clock—that matters.
- Jason Fried
You just can't bring your A game to every situation. Knowing when to embrace Good Enough is what gives you the opportunity to be truly excellent when you need to be.
- Jason Fried
Remember: Deadlines, not dreadlines.
- Jason Fried
If you constantly fret about timing things perfectly, they'll never happen.
- Jason Fried
Failure is not a prerequisite for success.
- Jason Fried
Nothing ever stops at the quarterly win. There are four quarters to a year. Forty to a decade. Every one of them has to produce, exceed, and beat EXPECTATIONS.
- Jason Fried
I don't need time, I need a deadline.
- Duke Ellington