Quotes about Councils
But beware of men; for they will hand you over to their councils and flog you in their synagogues.
- Matthew 10:17
So be on your guard. You will be delivered over to the councils and beaten in the synagogues. On My account you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them.
- Mark 13:9
One canon reduced to writing by God himself, two testaments, three creeds, four general councils, five centuries, and the series of Fathers in that period — the centuries that is, before Constantine, and two after, determine the boundary of our faith.
- Lancelot Andrewes
The Independence and Liberty you possess are the work of joint councils and joint efforts, of common dangers, sufferings and successes.
- George Washington
When most major Protestant denominations have their annual councils, assemblies, or conventions, they make pronouncements on matters having to do with disarmament, federal aid to education, birth control, the United Nations, and any number of social and political issues. Very rarely are any resolutions passed that have to do with the redemptive witness of the Gospel.
- Billy Graham
For although we hold that the Word of God alone lies beyond the sphere of our judgement, and that fathers and Councils are of authority only in so far as they accord with the rule of the Word, we still give to the Councils and fathers such rank and honor as it is meet for them to hold, under Christ.
- John Calvin