Quotes about Against
The truth of the matter is rather as Christ says, "He who is not with me is against me." ... He does not say "He who is not with me is not against me either, but merely neutral.
- Martin Luther
The church must, in short, learn from Jesus before Pilate how to speak the truth to power rather than for power or merely against power.
- NT Wright
and in the morning you will see the LORD’s glory, because He has heard your grumbling against Him. For who are we that you should grumble against us?”
- Exodus 16:7
“How long will this wicked congregation grumble against Me? I have heard the complaints that the Israelites are making against Me.
- Numbers 14:27
But when the congregation gathered against them, Moses and Aaron turned toward the Tent of Meeting, and suddenly the cloud covered it and the glory of the LORD appeared.
- Numbers 16:42
“Our father died in the wilderness, but he was not among the followers of Korah who gathered together against the LORD. Instead, he died because of his own sin, and he had no sons.
- Numbers 27:3
Indeed, the LORD’s hand was against them, to eliminate them from the camp, until they had all perished.
- Deuteronomy 2:15
Wherever Israel marched out, the hand of the LORD was against them to bring calamity, just as He had sworn to them. So they were greatly distressed.
- Judges 2:15
But Joash said to all who stood against him, “Are you contending for Baal? Are you trying to save him? Whoever pleads his case will be put to death by morning! If Baal is a god, let him contend for himself with the one who has torn down his altar.”
- Judges 6:31
And Saul asked him, “Why have you and the son of Jesse conspired against me? You gave him bread and a sword and inquired of God for him so that he could rise up against me to lie in wait, as he is doing today.”
- 1 Samuel 22:13
As the old proverb says, ‘Wickedness proceeds from the wicked.’ But my hand will never be against you.
- 1 Samuel 24:13
Just then the Cushite came and said, “May my lord the king hear the good news: Today the LORD has avenged you of all who rose up against you!”
- 2 Samuel 18:31