Quotes about Creator
It is more difficult to find the Creator in a barbecue sandwich than in your favorite Sunday-morning song, but when you do, when you begin to find Him in all the stuff of life, everything starts singing. Every moment breaks into song. Every breath becomes sacrifice, and the songs become sweetness. This is living praise.
- David Crowder
God is the source. Everything else is a resource.
- Tony Evans
His Son Jesus, the Word of God, is our Instructor.... He is God and Creator.
- Clement of Alexandria
God created you for the first and greatest commandment, to be a lover of God.
- Sam Storms
Everything in all creation responds in obedience to the Creator... until we get to you and me. We have the audacity to look God in the face and say, "No."
- David Platt
I die in perfect composure and resignation to the will of my Creator, God.
- Thomas Paine
The Lord God, the creator of Judaism and the God of Judaism and Christianity, empowered our minds and gave us the ability to question.
- Michael Novak
To know the Creator and the God of all the universe is to revere Him. It is to bow down before Him in wonder and awesome fear.
- AW Tozer
What surprises me most about God is that the creator of the universe should want a relationship with me.
- Rick Warren
The gospel reveals the glory of God. According to God's Word, he is the sovereign Creator of all things.
- David Platt
God Himself begins to live in me not only as my Creator but as my other and true self.
- Thomas Merton
God's creative design was that your ravenous appetite for pleasure find fulfillment in Him, for nothing more wonderfully reveals His glory than the joy the creature has in its Creator.
- Sam Storms