Quotes about Creator
These too are integral elements in personality and therefore in sanctity—because a saint is one whom God's love has fully developed into a person in the likeness of his Creator.
- Thomas Merton
AH I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Creator and Lord of all so loved the world, that He sent His Son for its salvation, the Prince and Savior of the faithful, who washed and dried our wounds, and from Him also came that most sweet medicine, from which all the good things of salvation flow.
- Hildegard of Bingen
God wants to be praised for nourishing and cherishing, for He cherishes all creatures. He is not only the Creator, but He is also the Sustainer and Nourisher.
- Martin Luther
God and His Son are glorified personages. God the Father is our living Creator, and His Son, Jesus Christ, is our Savior and Redeemer. We have been created in God's image.
- James Faust
There's a Grand Designer behind everything. Your life is not a result of random chance, fate, or luck. There is a master plan. History is His story. God is pulling the strings.
- Rick Warren
Sin may have the power to kill and destroy, but God is the Creator of life. He can create it from nothing, and He can restore it from death.(John 11:25-26)
- Charles Swindoll
In God's plan, our quest for personal identity is meant to drive us back to him as Creator so that we find our meaning and purpose in him. When we live out a sense of who we are IN CHRIST we live our lives based on all we have been given by Christ. This keeps us from seeking to get those things from the people and situations around us. Much of the disappointments and heartache we experience is the result of our attempts to get something from relationships that we already have in Christ.
- Timothy Lane
Watches have watch makers, paintings have painters, designs have designers, and creation has a creator
- Tony Evans
You don't have to seek anyone else's approval for the life God has given you to live. You don't have to apologize for the strength, fortitude, courage, talent, beauty, or intellect your Creator has given you. Ladies, we all are "God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2:10).
- Tony Evans
He certainly didn't need Abram and Sarai to help Him give them a child. After all, His name is El Shaddai—He is both the Creator and sustainer of life. And He loves to manifest Himself in the context of the impossible.
- Tony Evans
Imagination is biblical reasoning in its Sunday best, lost in wonder at the creativity of the Creator. Being
- Kevin Vanhoozer