Quotes about Crowning
He is wonderful in His Holy One because He brings Him into tribulation and thus crowns Him.
- Martin Luther
You crown the year with Your bounty, and Your paths overflow with plenty.
- Psalm 65:11
She is the crescendo, the final, astonishing work of God. Woman. In one last flourish creation comes to a finish with Eve. She is the Master's finishing touch.
- John Eldredge
Delicate humor is the crowning virtue of the saints.
- Evelyn Underhill
Parents, pray that God may crown your home with grace and mercy.
- Billy Graham
Wherefore we be not only His by His buying, but also by the courteous gift of His Father we be His bliss, we be His meed, we be His worship, we be His crown. (And this was a singular marvel and a full delectable beholding, that we be His crown!)
- Julian of Norwich
When the Christians, upon these occasions, received martyrdom, they were ornamented, and crowned with garlands of flowers; for which they, in heaven, received eternal crowns of glory.
- John Foxe
in Augustine with this expression, - "God crowns not our merits but his own gifts; and the name of reward is given not to what is due to our merits, but to the recompense of grace previously bestowed?"
- John Calvin
Lord Jesus, we gladly crown Thee now! Lead us, O Thou great Shepherd of the sheep! Lead us, Thou great Captain of our salvation! We are Thine and Thine alone, and before the face of God our Father, in the name of the Holy Spirit our counselor, Lord Jesus Christ we bow to Thee, and we submit body, soul, and spirit. We are Thine forevermore, and we crown Thee King of all!
- Alan Redpath
God crowns us. Most people crown their Christmas trees with either an angel or a star. God uses both.
- Max Lucado
Our rewards in heaven are a result of God's crowning His own gifts.
- St. Augustine