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Quotes about Self-care

All you have to do is sip hot water frequently throughout the day. As mentioned earlier, ama is sticky and greasy by nature. Hot water can dissolve ama from your system just as it dissolves grease from dirty dishes, and it can accomplish this gradually and comfortably. There
- Deepak Chopra
I am gentle with myself, knowing that I am doing the best I can with the knowledge and understanding I have.
- Louise Hay
Learn to say no; it will be of more use to you than to be able to read Latin.
- Charles Spurgeon
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.
- Lucille Ball
Pay mind to your own life, your own health, and wholeness. A bleeding heart is of no help to anyone if it bleeds to death.
- Frederick Buechner
Forgiveness is all about taking care of you, not the person you need to forgive. It's about putting your desire to feel good before your desire to be right. It's about taking responsibility for your own happiness instead of pretending it's in somebody else's hands. It's about owning your power by giving all your anger, resentment, and hurt the heave-ho.
- Jen Sincero
We tend to hold on to resentment because we feel like the nitwit who wronged us doesn't deserve foreignness. Meanwhile, the only person being punished by your resentment is you. Forgiveness is about you deserving peace, not necessarily about others deserving your forgiveness. You are allowing nasty those of nasty things to take up precious space in your mind. If you love yourself, you'll end your own torture and let it go. (239)
- Jen Sincero
Bei Vergebung geht es darum, sich um sich selbst zu kümmern — und nicht etwa um denjenigen, dem man vergeben muss. Es geht darum, das Bedürfnis nach Wohlbefinden vor den Wunsch, recht zu haben, zu stellen. Es geht darum, Verantwortung für das eigene Leben zu übernehmen, statt vorzugeben, es liege in der Hand anderer. Es geht darum, die eigene Macht zu nutzen, indem man Wut, Ablehnung und Schmerz den Laufpass gibt.
- Jen Sincero
LOVE YOURSELF More than you love your drama.
- Jen Sincero
Je besser sich unser Körper fühlt, desto glücklicher und produktiver sind wir.
- Jen Sincero
aren't a selfish person for taking care of yourself, just a happier one.
- Jen Sincero
You cannot give what you do not have, so if you want to help others you have to take care of yourself first.
- Jen Sincero