Quotes about Routine
I like fabrics, colors, makeup, and the routine of putting myself together every morning, even though I spend most of my time locked away in the attic writing. "No one sees me, but I see myself," my mother would comment philosophically
- Isabel Allende
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
- Oscar Wilde
Go to bed early, get up early-this is wise.
- Mark Twain
In the multitude of middle-aged men who go about their vocations in a daily course determined for them much in the same way as they tie their cravats, there is always a good number who once meant to shape their own deeds and alter the world a little.
- George Eliot
Habit is habit, and not to be thrown out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.
- Mark Twain
Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity.
- St. Augustine
Habit is necessary; it is the habit of having habits, of turning a trail into a rut, that must be incessantly fought against if one is to remain alive.
- Edith Wharton
Too many church services start at eleven sharp and end at twelve dull.
- Vance Havner
I exercise all the time, every morning, and then I do music in the afternoon. I walk two to three miles a day and do Pilates twice a week.
- Jim James
I don't want the abnormal or something special. I want to have a normal life.
- Blase J. Cupich
Be pleasant in the morning until ten o'clock, the rest of the day will take care of itself.
- Napoleon Hill
Once God had Moses' attention, He spoke. There are times when God wants to stab our curiosity, so He shocks us out of our routine. Routine is a subtle enemy. We fall into a mental rut, like stumbling into an open grave. And in that mind-numbing routine, we miss God's call.
- Charles Swindoll