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Quotes about Warfare

Virtually every war ever fought began because of covetousness. The warfare in heaven and on earth between God and the devil certainly sprang from the same desire—the lust for what belonged to God alone.
- Billy Graham
The mind is the devil's favorite avenue of attack.
- Billy Graham
Modern war is the most highly developed of all sciences. We have perfected our weapons but failed to perfect the men who use them.
- Billy Graham
We have not yet learned that we are more powerful on our knees than behind the most powerful weapons that can be developed.
- Billy Graham
The nature of the enemy's warfare in your life is to cause you to become discouraged and to cast away your confidence. Not that you would necessarily discard your salvation, but you could give up your hope of God's deliverance. The enemy wants to numb you into a coping kind of Christianity that has given up hope of seeing God's resurrection power.
- Bob Sorge
it was whispered unto his spirit that spiritual merchandise hath its beginning in the contempt of the world, and that the warfare of Christ is to be begun by victory over self.
- St Bonaventure
For not even lions or dragons have ever waged with their kind such wars as men have waged with one another.
- St. Augustine
In glades they meet skull after skull/Where pine-cones lay--the rusted gun,/Green shoes full of bones, the mouldering coat/And cuddled-up skeleton;/And scores of such. Some start as in dreams,/And comrades lost bemoan:/By the edge of those wilds Stonewall had charged--/But the Year and the Man were gone. (The Armies of the Wilderness)
- Herman Melville
When all is said and done, and statesmen discuss the future of the world, the fact remains that people fight these wars.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
In the life of man, his time is but a moment, his being an incessant flux, his senses a dim rushlight, his body a prey of worms, his soul an unquiet eddy, his fortune dark, and his fame doubtful. In short, all that is of the body is as coursing waters, all that is of the soul as dreams and vapours; life a warfare, a brief sojourning in an alien land;and after repute, oblivion. Where, then, can man find the power to guide and guard his steps? In one thing and one alone: the love of knowledge.
- Marcus Aurelius
The body and its parts are a river, the soul a dream and mist, life is warfare and a journey far from home, lasting reputation is oblivion.
- Marcus Aurelius
They were wearing camouflage gear direct from central casting, and if it hadn't been for the guns I might have laughed, not yet realizing that female laughter would soon be in short supply.
- Margaret Atwood