Quotes about Warfare
The Philistines arrayed themselves against Israel, and as the battle spread, Israel was defeated by the Philistines, who struck down about four thousand men on the battlefield.
- 1 Samuel 4:2
Take courage and be men, O Philistines! Otherwise, you will serve the Hebrews just as they served you. Now be men and fight!”
- 1 Samuel 4:9
So the Philistines fought, and Israel was defeated, and each man fled to his tent. The slaughter was very great—thirty thousand foot soldiers of Israel fell.
- 1 Samuel 4:10
Then the men of Israel charged out of Mizpah and pursued the Philistines, striking them down all the way to an area below Beth-car.
- 1 Samuel 7:11
He will appoint some for himself as commanders of thousands and of fifties, and others to plow his ground, to reap his harvest, to make his weapons of war, and to equip his chariots.
- 1 Samuel 8:12
But they forgot the LORD their God, and He sold them into the hand of Sisera the commander of the army of Hazor, and into the hands of the Philistines and the king of Moab, who fought against them.
- 1 Samuel 12:9
Now the Philistines assembled to fight against Israel with three thousand chariots, six thousand horsemen, and troops as numerous as the sand on the seashore. They went up and camped at Michmash, east of Beth-aven.
- 1 Samuel 13:5
And raiders went out of the Philistine camp in three divisions. One headed toward Ophrah in the land of Shual,
- 1 Samuel 13:17
And a garrison of the Philistines had gone out to the pass at Michmash.
- 1 Samuel 13:23
So the two of them showed themselves to the outpost of the Philistines, who exclaimed, “Look, the Hebrews are coming out of the holes in which they were hiding!”
- 1 Samuel 14:11
So Jonathan climbed up on his hands and feet, with his armor-bearer behind him. And the Philistines fell before Jonathan, and his armor-bearer followed and finished them off.
- 1 Samuel 14:13
In that first assault, Jonathan and his armor-bearer struck down about twenty men over half an acre of land.
- 1 Samuel 14:14