Quotes about Serenity
There must be a time of day when the man who makes plans forgets his plans, and acts as if he had no plans at all.
- Thomas Merton
From where I sit and write at this moment, I look out the window, across the quiet guest-house garden, with the four banana trees and the big red and yellow flowers around Our Lady's statue. I can see the door where Dan entered and where I entered. Beyond the Porter's Lodge is a low green hill where there was wheat this summer. And out there, yonder, I can hear the racket of the diesel tractor: I don't know what they are ploughing.)
- Thomas Merton
Let there always be quiet, dark churches in which men can take refuge.
- Thomas Merton
All men seek peace first of all with themselves. That is necessary, because we do not naturally find rest even in our own being. We have to learn to commune with ourselves before we can communicate with other men and with God.
- Thomas Merton
Let there be a place somewhere in which you can breathe naturally, quietly, and not have to take your breath in continuous short gasps. A place where your mind can be idle, and forget its concerns, descend into silence, and worship the Father in secret.
- Thomas Merton
Peace — that was the other name for home.
- Kathleen Norris
Don't you know that four fifths of all our troubles in this life would disappear if we would just sit down and keep still?
- Calvin Coolidge
Do not lose your inward peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.
- Francis de Sales
I am searching for that which every man seeks-peace and rest.
- Dante Alighieri
True happiness is of a retired nature and an enemy to pomp and noise; it arises, in the first place, from the enjoyment of one's self; and, in the next, from the friendship and conversations of a few select companions.
- Joseph Addison
There is nothing your highest self wants more than peace.
- Wayne Dyer
He who lives wisely to himself and his own heart looks at the busy world through the loopholes of retreat, and does not want to mingle in the fray.
- William Hazlitt