Quotes about Serenity
Where faith begins, anxiety ends; where anxiety begins, faith end.
- George Muller
Sweet shall be your rest if your heart does not reproach you.
- Thomas a Kempis
In the solitary farmhouse of the hills there was a great joy in life, much tenderness, and much hope.
- Marcel Pagnol
The words of the text explained: to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Rom. 8:6.
- John Owen
To know God as He really is-in His essential nature and character-is to arrive at a citadel of peace that circumstances may storm, but can never capture.
- Catherine Marshall
When our life is out of balance we have stress! Balance in your life does bring less stress to your life!
- Catherine Pulsifer
Everyone needs a place where they can go to just ponder for a while. Silence is important; it's the only time you can hear the whispering of truth.
- Glenn Beck
It is both relaxing and invigorating to ... set aside the worries of life, [and] seek the company of a friendly book...
- Gordon Hinckley
Oh, how the strife and trouble of daily life receded from my view, and lessened in the distance... What voices spoke from out the thundering water; what faces, faded from the earth, looked out upon me from its gleaming depths; what Heavenly promise glistened in those angels' tears, the drops of many hues, that showered around, and twined themselves about the gorgeous arches which the changing rainbows made!
- Charles Dickens
Happy the man who dies before he prays for death.
- Publilius Syrus
If we have not quiet in our own minds, outward comforts will do no more for us than a golden slipper on a gouty foot.
- John Bunyan
There is no way to peace; peace is the way. There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way. If you are determined, you can do it with your breathing.
- Thich Nhat Hanh