Quotes about Consciousness
The line between good and evil runs, not between 'us' and 'them', but down the middle of each of us.
- NT Wright
There are many parts of the world we can't do anything about except pray. But there is one part of the world, one part of physical reality, that we can do something about, and that is the creature each of us calls 'myself.' Personal holiness and global holiness belong together. Those who wake up to the one may well find themselves called to wake up to the other as well.
- NT Wright
Sin" is not just "doing things God has forbidden." It is, as we saw, the failure to be fully functioning, God-reflecting human beings.
- NT Wright
A mind capable of forming an argument against God's existence constitutes evidence for his existence. That is, a conscious being with the ability to reason, weigh evidence, and argue logically must come from a source that has at least the same level of cognitive ability.
- Nancy Pearcey
The danger is that is Christians do not consciously develop a biblical approach to a subject, then we will unconsciously absorb some other philosophical approach.
- Nancy Pearcey
There are some things we may not understand, but we can sense them perfectly well.
- Olga Tokarczuk
The summons to wakefulness is therefore a summons to attend to my agency.
- Oliver O'Donovan
Everything in your world is created by what you think.
- Oprah Winfrey
Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.
- Oprah Winfrey
Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps; for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are, and what they ought to be. WILLIAM HAZLITT
- Os Guinness
The deadliest Pharisaism today is not hypocrisy, but unconscious unreality.
- Oswald Chambers
We think rightly or wrongly about prayer according to the conception we have in our minds of prayer. If we think of prayer as the breath in our lungs and the blood from our hearts, we think rightly. The blood flows ceaselessly, and breathing continues ceaselessly; we are not conscious of it, but it is always going on. We are not always conscious of Jesus keeping us in perfect joint with God, but if we are obeying Him, He always is. Prayer is not an exercise, it is the life.
- Oswald Chambers