Quotes about Consciousness
the one about Abraham leaving, is revolutionary. It's a step forward in human consciousness. You can step out of the cycle? You can leave? And head into the unknown? You can step into something that hasn't happened yet, that doesn't exist yet?
- Rob Bell
The question, then, the art, the task, the search, the challenge, the invitation is for you and me to become more and more the kind of people who are aware of the divine presence, attuned to the ruach
- Rob Bell
It's possible to resist the very growth and change and expanding consciousness that God desires for you by appealing to your religious convictions.
- Rob Bell
Begin whatever you're doing by remembering that you are here and you have been given a gift.
- Rob Bell
saw how in the story about Moses and the burning bush, Moses doesn't take his sandals off because suddenly the ground becomes holy. The ground had been holy the whole time. The story is about Moses becoming aware of it.
- Rob Bell
read the story in the book of Genesis about Jacob waking up from a dream and saying, Surely God was in this place, and I, I wasn't aware of it. Jacob is waking up from a dream, but he's waking up in a larger sense as well, to the divine presence in all of life.
- Rob Bell
I have a mind myself and recognize Mind when I meet with it in any guise.
- Robert Frost
Spirituality is meant to take us beyond our tribal identity into a domain of awareness that is more universal.
- Deepak Chopra
The moral sense is as much a part of our constitution as that of feeling, seeing, or hearing.
- Thomas Jefferson
In religion, the ego manifests as the devil. And of course, no one realizes how smart the ego is because it created the devil so you could blame someone else.
- Deepak Chopra
Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It's a way of entering into the quiet that's already thereóburied under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day
- Deepak Chopra
Life is like a tree and its root is consciousness. Therefore, once we tend the root, the tree as a whole will be healthy.
- Deepak Chopra