Quotes about Transience
The fashion of this world passeth away.
- Anonymous
For we must needs die, and are as water spilt on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again.
- Anonymous
If we all knew each morning that there was going to be another morning, and on and on and on, we's tend not to notice the sunrise, or hear the birds, or the waves rolling into the shore. We'd tend not to treasure our time with the people we love. Simply the awareness that our mortal lives had a beginning and will have an end enhances the quality of our living. Perhaps it's even more intense when we know that the termination of the body is near, but it shouldn't be.
- Madeleine L'Engle
How gloomy would be these mansions of the dead to him who did not know that he shall never die; that what now acts shall continue its agency, and what now thinks shall think on for ever. Those that lie here stretched before us, the wise and the powerful of ancient times, warn us to remember the shortness of our present state; they were, perhaps, snatched away while they were busy, like us, in the choice of life.
- Samuel Johnson
[Philosophers] are like a traveler passing through a field at night who in a momentary lightning flash sees far and wide, but the sight vanishes so swiftly that he is plunged again into the darkness of night before he can take even a step-let alone be directed on the way by its help.
- John Calvin
We see how mankind, without well thinking what they are doing, pursue, with impetuous and ardent affections, the transitory things of this world; but, in thus catching at the empty shadow of a happy life, they lose true happiness itself.
- John Calvin
Yesternight the sun went hence,And yet is here today.
- John Donne
My world's both parts, and 'o! Both parts must die.
- John Donne
Life is short and we have scarcely begun to live when we are called to die.
- Charles Spurgeon
The happiness that is derived from excitement is like a brilliant fire- soon it will go out.
- Bruce Lee
Terrestrial happiness is of short duration. The brightness of the flame is wasting its fuel; the fragrant flower is passing away in its own odors.
- Samuel Johnson
Enjoy the rainbow while it lasts and don't chase it when it's gone.
- Marty Rubin