Quotes about Self
You see, the biggest protection against the kingdom of self is not a set of self-reformative defensive strategies. It's a heart that's so blown away by the right-here, right-now glories of the grace of Jesus Christ that we're not easily seduced by the lesser temporary glories of that claustrophobic kingdom of one, the kingdom of self.
- Paul David Tripp
The purpose of God's grace is not to make your little kingdom of one work better.
- Paul David Tripp
Prayer always forsakes the kingdom of self for the kingdom of God, and for that we all need forgiving, rescuing, and transforming grace.
- Paul David Tripp
the identity we assign to ourselves shapes and defines the way that we live our lives.
- Paul David Tripp
The war that rages in all our hearts is a war between the awe of God and the awe of self. The war really does somehow turn all of us into glory thieves. Perhaps we commit vertical larceny much more than we realize. Perhaps we quest for personal glory more than we think. Perhaps we take credit for what only God can do more often than we think we do. Perhaps, in subtle idolatry, we give credit to places and things when it really belongs to God.
- Paul David Tripp
But here is the reality: all of the horizontal battles are the fruit of a deeper war. The most important war, the one that needs to be won, is not the war they are having with each other, but a war that wages within them individually. Real change is all about winning this war.
- Paul David Tripp
When we replace vertical awe of God with awe of self, bad things happen in the horizontal community.
- Paul David Tripp
in the heart of a sinner, awe of God is very quickly replaced by awe of self.
- Paul David Tripp
Sinners tend to move away from defining themselves in relationship to their Creator and begin defining themselves in relationship to the creation.
- Paul David Tripp
Man is asked to make of himself what he is supposed to become to fulfill his destiny.
- Paul Tillich
The neurotic is aware of the danger of a situation in which his unrealistic self-affirmation is broken down and no realistic self-affirmation takes its place.
- Paul Tillich
No self-acceptance is possible if one is not accepted in a person-to-person relation.
- Paul Tillich