Quotes about Self
The English term "martyr" comes from the Greek martys, "witness." Søren Kierkegaard defines witness as "someone who directly demonstrates the truth of the doctrine he proclaims—directly, yes, partly by its being the truth within him, … partly by his volunteering his personal self and saying: See, now, if you can force me to deny this doctrine.
- Kevin Vanhoozer
When we are acting like God, we are being ourselves! The ramifications of having God as our Daddy (rather than some ape dragging his knuckles in the African jungle somewhere) is life changing. I hope you can see that what you believe about your origin makes a difference in the way you value yourself and humanity in general.
- Kris Vallotton
The real challenge the rich young man faced was not just giving up his possessions, but giving up himself. The last command Jesus says ("Come, follow me") is the one that we so often overlook and think that he must have left Jesus simply because he liked his green bills.
- George Weigel
Your success and happiness lie in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invisible host against difficulties.
- Helen Keller
I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation.
- George Bernard Shaw
We had as lief not be, as not be ourselves.
- William Hazlitt
To love others, we must first learn to love ourselves.
- Anonymous
A man may write himself out of reputation when nobody else can do it.
- Thomas Paine
No consciousness that we would recognize as consciousness. Not awareness, as far as we can make out, of a self with a history. What I mind is what tends to come next. They have no consciousness therefore. Therefore what? Therefore we are free to use them for our own ends Therefore we are free to kill them? Why? What is so special about the form of consciousness that we recognize that makes killing a bearer of it a crime while killing an animal goes unpunished?
- JM Coetzee
He would never want to diminish that event, that blow. It was nothing less than a calamity. It has shrunk his world, turned him into a prisoner. But escaping death ought to have shaken him up, opened windows inside him, renewed his sense of the preciousness of life. It has done nothing of the sort. He is trapped with the same old self as before , only greyer and drearier. Enough to drive one to drink.
- JM Coetzee
The little flowers grew everywhere around the rocks, and no one had asked them to grow, or me to grow.
- Jack Kerouac
I think my sudden love for this girl is a truer expression of myself than anything.
- Jack Kerouac