Quotes about Self
God Himself begins to live in me not only as my Creator but as my other and true self.
- Thomas Merton
It's pride, plain and simple, that keeps me from giving God all the glory and keeping some of it for myself. It is a battle we all fight in some form or another, some of us daily or even hourly.
- Francis Chan
God knows what lives in me in place of me.
- Fyodor Dostoevsky
For many, 'desire' is a bad word, something we're supposed to 'give up for God.' That kind of thinking can be really destructive because it teaches people to deny their hearts, their true selves.
- Rob Bell
We can never know who or what we are till we know at least something of what God is.
- AW Tozer
While we are looking at God we do not see ourselves - blessed riddance.
- AW Tozer
I think a toxic message in a lot of Christianity has been that the self has to be annihilated in order for God to be found. I think that has been a toxic message.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Shraddha means self-confidence and self-confidence means faith in God.
- Mahatma Gandhi
This for God and this for myself; This for my soul, and this other for my body?
- Khalil Gibran
Today, as it was 2,000 years ago, the Kingdom of God is within each of us. It is not within a church, a temple, a mosque or synagogue.
- Mahatma Gandhi
I shall despair when I despair of myself, of God and humanity.
- Mahatma Gandhi
The universe is God. I am God so that means I am the universe.
- Oscar Wilde