Quotes about Self
Man is the center of a circle without a circumference, except the one he creates for himself.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Men think all things would be very glorious if they might be done according to their mind. Perhaps, indeed, they would-but with their glory, not the glory of God.
- John Owen
The love of our neighbor hath its bounds in each man's love of himself.
- St. Augustine
The man who lives in division is living in death. He cannot find himself because he is lost; he has ceased to be a reality. The person he believes himself to be is a bad dream.
- Thomas Merton
Man must have just enough faith in himself to have adventures, and just enough doubt of himself to enjoy them.
- GK Chesterton
Hardly anything else reveals so well the fear and uncertainty among men as the length to which they will go to hide their true selves from each other and even from their own eyes.
- AW Tozer
Morality or duty never yet made a man happy in himself or dear to others.
- CS Lewis
Man is the matter of the cosmos, contemplating itself.
- Carl Sagan
Tragedy looks to me like man in love with his own defeat. Which is only a sloppy way of being in love with yourself.
- DH Lawrence
Nobody knows what's in him until he tries to pull it out. If there's nothing, or very little, the shock can kill a man.
- Ernest Hemingway
A man has no enemy worse than himself.
- Cicero
Every man is wholly honest to himself and to God, but not to any one else.
- Mark Twain