Quotes about Virtues
I really admire people who are extraordinarily tolerant and patient.
- Holly Hunter
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience. —GALATIANS 5:22
- Sarah Young
Asceticism is the denial of the will to live; and the transition from the Old Testament to the New, from the dominion of Law to that of Faith, from justification by works to redemption through the Mediator, from the domain of sin and death to eternal life in Christ, means, when taken in its real sense, the transition from the merely moral virtues to the denial of the will to live.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Man has been called a rational being, but rationality is a matter of choice — and the alternative his nature offers him is: rational being or suicidal animal. Man has to be man — by choice; he has to hold his life as a value — by choice; he has to learn to sustain it — by choice; he has to discover the values it requires and practice his virtues — by choice. A code of values accepted by choice is a code of morality.
- Ayn Rand
Cheerfulness will help you draw strangers, cleverness will help gain acquaintances, faithfulness will help you keep companions, and kindness will help you multiply friends.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
You try to draw everything into the net of your faith, father, but you can't steal all the virtues. Gentleness isn't Christian, self-sacrifice isn't Christian, charity isn't, remorse isn't. I expect the cavemen wept to see another's tears.
- Graham Greene
There are men whom one has an irresistible desire to tease: men whose virtues one doesn't share.
- Graham Greene
I don't want them cured!" Emily was getting angrier and angrier all the time under the table. "I like my faults better than I do your — your—" she fumbled mentally for a word — then triumphantly recalled a phrase of her father's—"your abominable virtues!")
- LM Montgomery
Menschen, die keine Laster haben, haben auch nur wenige Tugenden.
- Abraham Lincoln
Every cult of personality that emphasizes the distinguished qualities, virtues, and talents of another person, even though these be of an altogether spiritual nature, is worldly and has no place in the Christian community; indeed, it poisons the Christianity community.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
as by the favour of the sovereign those guilty of various crimes are released from prison, and each one, according to his toil and exertions, is in this or that condition of life, so too the penny, as it were by the favour of our Sovereign, is the discharge from prison of us all by baptism. Now our work is, according to our different virtues, to prepare for ourselves a different future.
- Jerome
The Our Father contains all the duties we owe to God, the acts of all the virtues and the petitions for all our spiritual and corporal needs.
- Louis de Montfort