Quotes about Conformity
At the individual level, the great controlling myth of our time has been the belief that within each of us there is a real, inner, private 'self', long buried beneath layers of socialization and attempted cultural and religious control, and needing to be rediscovered if we are to live authentic lives. When we 'discover' this 'true authentic self' , we must do whatever it dictates, even if it means ignoring the norms of the 'unenlightened' society all around us.
- NT Wright
Society is always trying in some way to grind us down to a single flat surface.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Most of the things we do, we do for no better reason than that our father's have done them or our neighbors do them, and the same is true of a large part than what we suspect of what we think.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Being general, the categories never address us as individuals. At best our individuality is lost in the generality. At worst, it is contradicted and denied. Such categories force us to lie on their Procrustean bed, and anything about us that doesn't fit they lop off. They trim the picture of our personalities to fit their mass-produced frames.
- Os Guinness
We live in an age in which the overwhelming majority of people appear to be comfortable with their myopia.
- Os Guinness
As theologian N. T. Wright points out, trees behave as trees, rocks as rocks and the seas as the seas, but "Only humans, it seems, have the capacity to live as something other than what they are.
- Os Guinness
but conformity to the will and the way of Jesus is life and freedom itself—under his authority.
- Os Guinness
Sanctification means being made one with Jesus so that the nature that controlled Him will control us.
- Oswald Chambers
The Sermon on the Mount is not an ideal, it is a statement of what will happen in me when Jesus Christ has altered my disposition and put in a disposition like His own. Jesus Christ is the only One Who can fulfil the Sermon on the Mount.
- Oswald Chambers
The resounding evidence of the Holy Spirit in a person's life is the unmistakable family likeness to Jesus Christ, and the freedom from everything which is not like Him. Are
- Oswald Chambers
Do I listen to God singing the melody and then sing in harmony with Him or do I sing my own melody and urge Him to harmonize with me?
- Oswald Chambers
WHEN THERE IS NO REPENTANCE It is, unfortunately, man's nature to redefine laws — commandments if you will — in order to accommodate his preferred lifestyle. In other words, rather than adjusting his errant deeds to conform to the reality of God's laws, he will move or erase the boundaries of law so as to include that which he doesn't wish to change about his life. If he can't or won't rein in his evil inclination, he will ignore that which
- Perry Stone