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Quotes about Conformity

Those He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son. Romans 8:29
- Beth Moore
Often couples or close friends, even entire families, will enter into tacit compacts whereby each individual pledges (unconsciously) to remain mired in the same slough in which she and all her cronies have become so comfortable.
- Steven Pressfield
Don't conform to those who have been overwhelmed by the tide of immorality sweeping our country!
- Billy Graham
Peer pressure accounts for much of the promiscuous sex in high schools and colleges. "Conform or get lost." Since no one enjoys losing friends or being cast out of his own circle, peer pressure—especially during the years of adolescence—is an almost irresistible force.
- Billy Graham
It is often asked, "How could the early disciples turn the world upside down when millions of Christians can't even keep it right side up today?" The answer is they didn't conform their faith to match the world. They had the truth, and they refused to water it down. They had a faith that would not compromise.
- Billy Graham
In a decadent society the will to believe, to resist, to contend, to fight, to struggle is gone. In place of this will to resist, there is the desire to conform, to drift, to follow, to yield, and not give up.
- Billy Graham
There are those today that say we must do as others do, that we must conform to the world [to win it], that we must swim with the tide, that we must move with the crowd. But the believer should say, "No".
- Billy Graham
One of our most deep-seated fears is that we might be called an "outsider." This fear has led us down the road to conformity, has put the imprint of "the organization man" on our souls, and has robbed us of originality of thought, individuality of personality, and constructive action.
- Billy Graham
God's purpose for us is that we ought to be conformed to the image of His Son. The world may exert its pressure to deform us, but we are told to "be transformed" [Romans 12:2 NIV].
- Billy Graham
If we are at peace with this world, it may be because we have sold out to it and compromised with it.
- Billy Graham
When everyone does what is right in his own eyes, there is no possibility of order and peace.
- Billy Graham
The Scripture teaches that popularity with the world means death. Satan's most effective tool is conformity and compromise. He is aware that one man standing in the midst of a pagan people can move more people in the direction of God than thousands of insipid professors of religion.
- Billy Graham