Quotes about Confidence
Courage doesn't wait until situational factors turn in one's favor. It doesn't wait until a plan is perfectly formed. It doesn't wait until the tide of popular opinion is turned. Courage only waits for one thing: a green light from God. And when God gives the go, it's full steam ahead, no questions asked.
- Mark Batterson
faith is acting as if God has already answered. And acting as if God has answered means acting on our prayers...
- Mark Batterson
God cannot reveal His faithfulness until we exercise our faith. But because Abraham went all in, God was able to reveal Himself as Jehovah-jireh, God our Provider.
- Mark Batterson
Long before we woke up this morning and long after we go to sleep tonight, the Holy Spirit was and is circling us in prayer. And if that doesn't infuse us with holy confidence, I don't know what will. But it isn't just the Holy Spirit who is interceding for us; the Son of God is interceding for us as well. They are interceding for the will of God to be accomplished in our lives. We are double circled. They are circling us all the time with songs of deliverance.
- Mark Batterson
His willingness to look foolish resulted in epic miracles.
- Mark Batterson
You've heard the adage: "God said it, I believe it, and that settles it." Here's a fresh take on that old truth: God said it, I've circled it, and that settles it.
- Mark Batterson
If faith is being sure of what we hope for, then being unsure of what we hope for is the antithesis of faith, isn't it?
- Mark Batterson
Bold prayers honor God, and God honors bold prayers.
- Mark Batterson
If faith is being sure of what we hope for, then being unsure of what we hope for is the antithesis of faith, isn't it? Well-developed faith results in well-defined prayers, and well-defined prayers result in a well-lived life.
- Mark Batterson
If faith is being sure of what we hope for, then being unsure of what we hope for is the antithesis of faith.
- Mark Batterson
God is honored when we act as if He is going to answer our prayers! And acting as if means acting on our prayers. After hitting our knees, we need to take a small step of faith. And those small steps of faith often turn into giant leaps.
- Mark Batterson
Remind them that their failures don't define who they are!
- Mark Batterson