Quotes about Confidence
Too often we get caught up in our own words concerning prayer. Sometimes we try to pray so long, loud, and fancy that we lose sight of the fact that prayer is our conversation with God. The length or loudness or eloquence of our prayer is not the issue; it is the sincerity of our heart and the confidence we have that God hears and will answer us that is important.
- Joyce Meyer
Know who you are, hold your head up confidently, and enjoy the life that Jesus has provided for you.
- Joyce Meyer
This is the time to begin thinking and saying, "I trust God completely; there is no need to worry!" The more you think about this truth, the more you will find yourself choosing trust over worry.
- Joyce Meyer
Be still and know that He is God. Be assured that as long as you trust Him, He will never fail you or disappoint you.
- Joyce Meyer
Worry is failing to trust God to take care of the various situations in our lives. When we worry, we are actually acting on the thought If I try hard enough, I can find a solution to my problem, which is the opposite of trusting God.
- Joyce Meyer
If your thoughts have convinced you that you can never do anything right, you'll tend to make more mistakes than normal and have a high rate of failure.
- Joyce Meyer
We can say that we trust God all day long, but if we fear the unknown, then in reality, we don't trust God.
- Joyce Meyer
I think that most of our unhappiness comes from not liking ourselves. If you don't get along with yourself, you're not going to get along with anybody else. Be content with who God made you to be!
- Joyce Meyer
Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, Be lifted up and thrown into the sea! and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place, it will be done for him.
- Joyce Meyer
For this reason I am telling you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe (trust and be confident) that it is granted to you, and you will [get it]. Mark 11:23,24 Faced with one thing or another, I frequently began to hear myself say, "I wonder.
- Joyce Meyer
Our circumstances shouldn't be the things that determine our level of joy. Even if we are having the worst day ever, we can have a confident, joy-filled, hopeful attitude if we learn to look at what we have left, not what we have lost. Always look at what God is doing, not what you think He isn't doing.
- Joyce Meyer
Trust in Him How relaxed are you? Your answer is directly related to how much you trust God. It may take you many years, like it did me, to fully trust Him, but each day will be better and better as you trust more and learn to relax.
- Joyce Meyer