Quotes about Seclusion
Your only real safety would be in disappearing.
- Cormac McCarthy
What gnashing is not a comfort, what gnawing of the worm is not a tickling, what torment is not a marriage bed to this damnation, to be secluded eternally, eternally, eternally from the sight of God?
- John Donne
I love my garden. I love my privacy. I'm very fierce about it. I try not to let too many people into my home. That's my private place.
- Julie Andrews
Novelty is a new kind of loneliness.
- Wendell Berry
I like the privacy of my life and I protect it quite vigilantly.
- Nicole Kidman
She has mischievious moments when she wishes she could get him alone on a desert island...
- George Bernard Shaw
Presidents have only two moments of personal seclusion. One is prayer; the other fishing - and they cannot pray all the time!
- Herbert Hoover
Someone who really respects himself and is concerned for his own soul is assured of the fact that a person living under his own supervision in the world at large lives in greater austerity and seclusion than a maiden in her lady's bower.
- Soren Kierkegaard
The ingenious person will above all strive for freedom from pain and annoyance, for tranquility and leisure, and consequently seek a quiet, modest life, as undisturbed as possible, and accordingly, after some acquaintance with so-called human beings, choose seclusion and, if in possession of a great mind, even solitude. For the more somebody has in himself, the less he needs from the outside and the less others can be to him. Therefore, intellectual distinction leads to unsociability.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
If a Christian may act in the several relations of life, must he seclude himself for all to become so? Surely the principles as well as the practice of Christianity are simple, and lead not to meditation only but to action.
- Eric Metaxas
I live a very secluded life, a very contemplative life and a very meditative one. That is my ideal life.
- Alice Walker
The noise obviously wasn't penetrating to his quarters.
- Frank Herbert