Quotes about Seth Godin
Marketing is the name we use to describe the promise a company makes, the story it tells, the authentic way it delivers on that promise.
- Seth Godin
In fact, stories only magnify the need to have something remarkable (and honest) to say.
- Seth Godin
If you're going to quit, quit before you start. Reject the system. Don't play the game if you realize you can't be the best in the world. Average
- Seth Godin
The Cul-de-Sac and the Cliff Are the Curves That Lead to Failure If you find yourself facing either of these two curves, you need to quit. Not soon, but right now. The biggest obstacle to success in life, as far as I can tell, is our inability to quit these curves soon enough.
- Seth Godin
marketers have turned advertising into an interactive process. Using relationships and frequency and permission
- Seth Godin
The problem with meeting expectations is that it's not remarkable. It won't change the recipient of your work, and it's easy to emulate (which makes you easy to replace).
- Seth Godin