Quotes about Beauty
raised herself on one round elbow and looked out on a tiny river like a gleaming blue snake winding itself around a purple hill. Right below the house was a field white as snow with daisies, and the shadow of the huge maple tree that bent over the little house fell lacily across it. Far beyond it were the white crests of Four Winds Harbour and a long range of sun-washed dunes and red cliffs.
- LM Montgomery
Mrs Allan says that whenever we think of anything that is a trial to use we should also think of something nice that we can set over against it. If you are slightly too plump, you've got the dearest dimples; and if I have a freckled nose the shape of it is all right.
- LM Montgomery
Marilla, look at that big star over Mr. Harrison's maple grove, with all that hold hush of silvery sky about it. I gives me a feeling that is like a prayer. After all, when one can see stars and skies like that, little disappointments and accidents can't matter so much, can they?
- LM Montgomery
Night is beautiful when you are happy—comforting when you are in grief—terrible when you are lonely and unhappy.
- LM Montgomery
It is a pity to gather wood-flowers. They lose half their witchery away from the green and the flicker. The way to enjoy wood-flowers is to track them down to their remote haunts—gloat over them—and then leave them with backward glances, taking with us only the beguiling memory of their grace and fragrance.
- LM Montgomery
Folks say I'm good, he remarked whimsically upon one occasion, but I sometimes wish the Lord had made me only half as good and put the rest of it into looks. But there, I reckon He knew what He was about, as a good Captain should. Some of us have to be homely, or the purty ones—like Mistress Blythe here—wouldn't show up so well.
- LM Montgomery
Death isn't terrible. The universe is full of love - and spring comes everywhere - and in death you open and shut a door. There are beautiful things on the other side of that door.
- LM Montgomery
While the others chatted over their parcels Jean wrote her letter, and Jean could write delightful letters. She had a decided talent in that respect, and her correspondents all declared her letters to be things of beauty and joy forever.
- LM Montgomery
Oh, isn't it good to be alive--like this? Wouldn't it be dreadful if one had never lived?
- LM Montgomery
Outside in the garden, which was full of mellow sunset light streaming through the dark old firs to the west of it, stood Anne and Diana, gazing bashfully at each other over a clump of gorgeous tiger lilies.
- LM Montgomery
she drank in the beauty of the summer dusk, sweet-scented with flower breaths from the garden below and sibilant and rustling from the stir of poplars. The eastern sky above the firs was flushed faintly pink from the reflection of the west, and Anne was wondering dreamily if the spirit of color looked like that
- LM Montgomery
If one could only feel always like this, Pat had said once to Judy. All the little worries swallowed up...all the petty spites and fears and disappointments forgotten...just love and peace and beauty. Oh, oh, but what wud there be lift for heaven, girl dear? asked Judy.
- LM Montgomery