Quotes about Scholarship
The point of all this is that the book of Exodus as we know it simply could not be as old as the thirteenth century BCE, and could not have been written by Moses.
- Peter Enns
The Christian fact is very straightforward: To be a student is a calling. Your parents are setting up accounts to pay the bills, or you are scraping together your own resources and taking out loans, or a scholarship is making college possible.
- Stanley Hauerwas
To become an academic expert takes years of studying. Academic experts are experts in how and what others have done. They use case studies and observation to understand a subject.
- Simon Sinek
Academic experts may not be good at doing what they are experts in themselves, but they are good at explaining the subject matter to others. They write books, teach courses and offer lessons and give steps others can follow.
- Simon Sinek
It is usually considered good practice to examine a thing for one's self before echoing the vulgar ridicule of it. But in connection with the Bible, such scholarly restraints are somehow regarded as out of place.
- J. Gresham Machen
An English writer telephoned me from London, asking questions. One was, 'What's your alma mater?' I told him, 'Books.
- Malcolm X
One Book is enough, but a thousand books is not too many!
- Martin Luther
The fifth freedom is freedom from ignorance.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Some drink from the fountain of knowledge - others just gargle.
- Anonymous
Here we are [at BYU] doing what is not done in any other major university of which I am aware. We are demonstrating that faith in the Almighty can accompany and enrich scholarship in the secular. It is more than an experiment. It is an accomplishment.
- Gordon Hinckley
Middle English is an exciting field - almost uncharted, I begin to think, because as soon as one turns detailed personal attention on to any little corner of it, the received notions and ideas seem to crumple up and fall to pieces - as far as language goes, at any rate.
- JRR Tolkien
It is a man's duty to have books. A library is not a luxury, but one of the necessaries in life.
- Henry Ward Beecher