Quotes about Conflict
There is nothing more likely to drive a person mad than...an obstinate, constitutional preference of the true to the agreeable.
- William Hazlitt
Self-deception is an indispensable element of war, and that despite the fact that wars are calculated and planned, there is a sense in which human beings do not know what they are doing when they cut one another down on the battlefield.
- David Livingstone Smith
Like it or not, war is distinctively human. Apart from the raiding behavior of chimpanzees and the so-called wars prosecuted by certain species of ant, there is nothing in nature that comes anywhere near approximating it.
- David Livingstone Smith
When there is a fight between your heart and your head, experience has taught me that the best thing you can do is pick up your Bible and remind yourself of what God says.
- Christine Caine
Either you will have harmony with God and friction with people, or you will have harmony with people and friction with God.
- Greg Laurie
When the word of God says one thing and scholarship says another, scholarship can go to hell.
- Billy Sunday
And it is through conflict that God induces the believer to seek and to grasp total triumph in Christ.
- Watchman Nee
You can not divorce religious belief and public service. I've never detected any conflict between God's will and my political duty. If you violate one, you violate the other.
- Jimmy Carter
If this is a real work for God it is a real conflict with Satan.
- Hudson Taylor
I can't help but note that God is being useful to a lot of people trying to do harm to one another.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
If you're unhappy with another person's behavior, pray about it and be honest and open in dealing with it in the right kind of way.
- David Jeremiah
In the present civil war it is quite possible that God's purpose is something different from the purpose of either party.
- Abraham Lincoln