Quotes about Conflict
Empathy is at the heart of marketing People don't believe what you believe. They don't know what you know. They don't want what you want. It's true, but we'd rather not accept this. Sonder is defined as that moment when you realize that everyone around you has an internal life as rich and as conflicted as yours. Everyone has noise in their heads.
- Seth Godin
Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends. Proverbs 17:9
- Sheila Walsh
I had been a feminist all my life, but the big problem was how to make your feminism jibe with you unappeasable hunger for male bodies.
- Erica Jong
Never make a fuss-it might attract the attention of an enemy tribe.
- Paulo Coelho
A Warrior of the Light does not accept gifts from his enemy.
- Paulo Coelho
The fullest application of ahimsa does make life impossible.
- Mahatma Gandhi
You can't fight a battle you don't think exists.
- John Eldredge
The basic problems facing the world today are not susceptible to a military solution.
- John F. Kennedy
We prefer world law in the age of self-determination to world war in the age of mass extermination.
- John F. Kennedy
A. D. 1560, pope Pius the Fourth, ordered all the protestants to be severely persecuted throughout the Italian states, when great numbers of every age, sex, and condition, suffered martyrdom.
- John Foxe
Remember the soldier in the Civil War who wore a Rebel jacket and Union trousers—he was shot both in the front and the back! You must choose which side you're on! You are either a servant to Jesus Christ or a slave to Satan! The choice is yours.
- John Hagee
Within this realme, during the tyme of this terrible conflict that hes bene betuix the sanctes of God and these bloody wolves who clame to thame selves the titill of clargie, and to have authoritie ower the saules of men; for, with the Pollicey.
- John Knox