Quotes about Conflict
Scripture indicates that deception, false religions, and apostasy lead to war, and that war in turn leads to famine and pestilence.
- Billy Graham
Sometimes I think the truly committed Christian is in conflict with society around him more than any other person. Society is going one direction, and the Christian is going in the opposite direction. This brings about friction and conflict. But God has promised, in the midst of trouble and conflict, a genuine peace, a sense of assurance and security, that the worldly person never knows.
- Billy Graham
Philosophically, war is an extension of man's struggle with sin and evil in the world.
- Billy Graham
War is only one facet of the larger problem of evil which has been with the human race since the beginning...This same evil tried to destroy the greatest human being who ever lived, nailing Him to a cross.
- Billy Graham
If the other person would just do things my way, we could get along," one says, when the other person is probably thinking the same about us—that leads to conflict. Our deepest problems are within ourselves.
- Billy Graham
When you are told that science has disproved the Bible, ask specifically where such is the case. True science and a true understanding of the Bible are never at variance.
- Billy Graham
I do not understand what I do... For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. —Romans 7:15, 19
- Billy Graham
I will buy you back with My blood because I love you. I will free you from the chains of sin. I will settle the conflict within and give peace to your soul. But you must come to Me with a repentant heart. You must be willing to be redeemed. You must exchange your sin-blackened heart for a new heart that is cleansed by My blood.
- Billy Graham
We don't have to be on the battlefields of the world to experience strife and conflict. We need only to open our eyes each morning and read the headlines, we need only to turn a keen ear when our phones ring with bad news, we need only to open our hearts to those next door—and maybe even in our own homes—to notice those with grieving hearts.
- Billy Graham
The entire world is in turmoil. We are living in a time of enormous conflict and cultural transformation. We have been stunned by shockwaves of change in nation after nation, all around the globe.
- Billy Graham
If you get down and quarrel everyday, you're saying prayers to the devil, I say.
- Bob Marley
it is the smaller, the petty, things in life that divide people. It is the great tasks that bring men together.
- Booker T. Washington