Quotes about Conflict
Jesus rebuked a storm. If that storm was the will of God the Father, then Jesus is fighting the will of God.
- Bill Johnson
The idea of Kingdom power and spiritual conflict unsettles some people, but without power, the gospel is not good news. Jesus never made the gospel simply a doctrinal exercise.
- Bill Johnson
When we do the will of God, we bring Kingdom reality crashing into the works of the devil. We initiate conflict between earthly reality and heavenly reality, becoming the bridge that asserts, through prayer and radical obedience, the rulership of God.
- Bill Johnson
That gate— that place of praise in the midst of conflict— is where His presence rests, where the King Himself dwells. The gate is formed when we move above human explanation and into a place of trust.
- Bill Johnson
When we do the will of God, we bring Kingdom reality crashing into the works of the devil. We initiate conflict between earthly reality and heavenly reality, becoming the bridge and connection point that makes it possible through prayer and radical obedience to assert the rulership of God.
- Bill Johnson
My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that.
- Abraham Lincoln
What joins men together ... is not the sharing of bread but the sharing of enemies.
- Cormac McCarthy
Where good and ill together blent, Wage an undying strife.
- John Henry Newman
Nonviolence and cowardice go ill together.
- Mahatma Gandhi
It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills.
- Adrian Rogers
When there is trust, conflict becomes nothing but the pursuit of truth, an attempt to find the best possible answer.
- Patrick Lencioni
In a controversy, the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for truth and have begun striving for ourselves.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel