Quotes about Transition
When near his death, being asked by the tribune for the watchword, he said, Go to the rising sun, for I am setting.
- Marcus Aurelius
In the daylight we know what's gone is gone, but at night it's different. Nothing gets finished, not dying, not mourning;
- Margaret Atwood
Last night I felt the approach of nothing. Not too close but on its way, like a wingbeat, like the cooling of the wind, the slight initial tug of an undertow.
- Margaret Atwood
So much for endings. Beginnings are always more fun. True connoisseurs, however, are known to favor the stretch in between, since it's the hardest to do anything with.
- Margaret Atwood
It is not only the body that travels, Adam One used to say, it is also the Soul. And the end of one journey is the beginning of another.
- Margaret Atwood
Her life began to seem long. Her adrenalin was running out. Soon she would be thirty, and all she could see ahead was more of the same.
- Margaret Atwood
Between the living and the dead. They carried the Word made air.
- Margaret Atwood
But when you cross over the border, it is like passing through air, you wouldn't know you'd done it; as the trees on both sides of it are the same.
- Margaret Atwood
I believe in effort, but not in unnecessary effort: Aunt Vidala was most likely negotiating her exit from this world all on her own.
- Margaret Atwood
Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.
- Coco Chanel
You can't be who you are going to be and who you used to be at the same time.
- Bishop TD Jakes
God changes caterpillars into butterflies, sand into pearls and coal into diamonds using time and pressure. He's working on you, too.
- Rick Warren