Quotes about Transition
To upset everything every 3 or 4 years is my notion of a happy life.
- Virginia Woolf
The summer is put away folded up in the drawer with other summers.
- Virginia Woolf
The cold stream of visual impressions failed him now as if the eye were a cup that overflowed and let the rest run down its china walls unrecorded. The brain must wake now. The body must contract now, entering the house, the lighted house, where the door stood open, where the motor cars were standing, and bright women descending: the soul must brave itself to endure. He opened the big blade of his pocket-knife.
- Virginia Woolf
Queer, I mused, to see what we were thinking five years ago.
- Virginia Woolf
She was thinking how all those paths and the lawn, thick and knotted with the lives they had lived there, were gone: were rubbed out; were past; were unreal, and now this was real; the boat and the sail with its patch; Macalister with his earrings; the noise of the waves--all this was real.
- Virginia Woolf
Nothing could be seen whole or read from start to finish. What was seen begun - like two friends starting to meet each other across the street - was never seen ended. After twenty minutes the body and mind were like scraps of torn paper tumbling from a sack and, indeed, the process of motoring fast out of London so much resembles the chopping small of identity which precedes unconsciousness and perhaps death itself...
- Virginia Woolf
"It's nothing," returned Mrs Chick. "It's merely change of weather. We must expect change."
- Charles Dickens
He's a-going out with the tide.
- Charles Dickens
There have been occasions in my later life (I suppose as in most lives) when I have felt for a time as if a thick curtain had fallen on all its interest and romance, to shut me out from anything save dull endurance any more. Never has that curtain dropped so heavy and blank, as when my way in life lay stretched out straight before me through the newly-entered road of apprenticeship to Joe.
- Charles Dickens
I am not old, but my young way was never the way to age.
- Charles Dickens
We'll start to forget a place once we left it
- Charles Dickens
We'll start to forget a place once we left it
- Charles Dickens