Quotes about Adversity
Besides re-arming myself with joy, I need to know the holes in my defenses, the places where I'm vulnerable and where the enemy has successfully attacked me before.
- Lynn Austin
once I understand that my enemy is never going to lay down arms and sign a peace treaty with, I would be wise to remain on full alert at all times.
- Lynn Austin
Anyone can believe and sing praises on the Temple Mount when the sun is shining, but true praise is sung in the darkest valley when the Accuser tells you to curse God for making you suffer so much pain.
- Lynn Austin
Our trials are supposed to turn us toward God, but we whine and complain and wish someone would turn down the fire so we could have our old life back the way it was.
- Lynn Austin
Sometimes when people work for God, they get the idea that He should make their life all smooth and easy because they're doing His work...It ain't so. Jesus said life is gonna be hard. Period. He said if you're gonna follow Him, then you're gonna carry a cross, just like He did. this world of ours is under a curse, honey. We need to expect things to be bad. But even if we lose everything, we still have Jesus.
- Lynn Austin
Smooth seas don't produce skillful sailors.' It's the rought waters that train us to e His disciples. He uses the turbulent times I our lives to prepare us for His purposes-if we'll let Him.
- Lynn Austin
It's impossible to hold up the banners of victim and victory at the same time.
- Lysa TerKeurst
We must speak with honor in the midst of being dishonored. We must speak with peace in the midst of being threatened. We must speak of good things in the midst of a bad situation. We must be obedient to, trust, and believe God and let Him boss around our contrary feelings.
- Lysa TerKeurst
The Devil is vicious, but he's not victorious.
- Lysa TerKeurst
I can't control the things that happen to me each day, but I can control how I think about them. I can say to myself, "I have a choice to have destructive thoughts or constructive thoughts right now. I can wallow in what's wrong and make things worse, or I can ask God for a better perspective to help me see good even when I don't feel good." Indeed, when we gain new perspectives, we can see new ways of thinking.
- Lysa TerKeurst
God is using all of your experiences, both good and bad, to develop your character to match your calling.
- Lysa TerKeurst
In the quiet, unexpressed, unwrestled-through disappointments, Satan is handcrafting his most damning weapons against us and those we love. It's his subtle seduction to get us alone with our thoughts so he can slip in whispers that will develop our disappointments into destructive choices.
- Lysa TerKeurst