Quotes about Adversity
A story starts with a hero who wants something. And then the question becomes: Will the hero get what she wants?
- Donald Miller
Heroes need to be challenged by outside forces.
- Donald Miller
You put your characters through hell. You put them through hell. That's the only way we change.
- Donald Miller
People will always choose a story that helps them survive and thrive.
- Donald Miller
Following your convictions means you must be willing to face criticism from those who lack the same courage to do what is right. It's called the road less traveled.
- Donald Trump
an entrepreneur's ability to find strength when others want to run, hide, quit, or blame someone else for their failures.
- Donald Trump
If you plan for the worst—if you can live with the worst—the good will always take care of itself.
- Donald Trump
What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity? Our attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity.
- J. Sidlow Baxter
There are no lessons so useful as those learned in the school of affliction.
- JC Ryle
Laughter, ridicule, opposition and persecution are often the only reward which Christ's followers get from the world.
- JC Ryle
The cross sometimes means the afflictions and trials which believers in Christ have to go through if they follow Christ faithfully for their religion's sake.
- JC Ryle
When days of darkness come upon us, let us not consider it a perplexing thing. Rather, let us remember that lessons are learned on such days that would never have been learned in sunshine. Let us say to ourselves, "This also is for my profit, that I may be a partaker of God's holiness. It is sent in love. I am in God's best school. Correction is instruction. This is meant to make me grow.
- JC Ryle