Quotes about Adversity
Anyone who leads an upright life and experiences real difficulty and disappointment and yet is not crushed by them is worth more than one for whom everything has always been plain sailing and who has known nothing but relative prosperity"_Page.52
- Vincent Van Gogh
Personally I believe that the adversities one meets with in the ordinary course of life do us as much good as harm. The very complaint that makes one ill today, overwhelming one with discouragement, that same thing - once the disease has passed off - gives us the energy to get up and to want to be completely recovered tomorrow.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Normality is a paved road: It's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Circumstances hell! I make circumstances!
- Bruce Lee
I always liked to chase the girls. Parkinson's stops all that. Now I might have a chance to go to heaven.
- Muhammad Ali
The testing process usually happens when we least expect it, thereby catching you off guard and giving you no chance to display anything by your real personality.
- Napoleon Hill
Every challenge is nothing more than a chance to make things better.
- Robin Sharma
You can't lose confidence in yourself, or you've lost already. When you get knocked down, you've got to keep getting back up.
- Tim Tebow
You do not need to let anything get you down, but if you are down you certainly need not let anything keep you down.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Sometimes you succeed.... and other times you learn.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Even in a world that's being shipwrecked, remain brave and strong.
- Hildegard of Bingen