Quotes about Adversity
Feelings are much like waves. We can't stop them from coming, but we can choose which one to surf.
- Craig Groeschel
Paul wrote these words: "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through [Christ] who gives me strength" (Phil. 4:12—13).
- Craig Groeschel
Many people suffer at the hands of others. The world can be unfair, at times mercilessly so. Millions of people in the world are genuine victims, right now. All of us will be at some point, whether it's for small matters or large, for a long duration or short. But we aren't all victims, not all the time anyway, not for everything.
- Kevin DeYoung
Sometimes life goes by in a trickle and sometimes life goes by in a flood. It's in those rainy seasons you find out how well you can swim.
- Lisa Wingate
You know how it is. The storms come and it's water and wind as far as the eye can see for a bit. But winds calm and the waters drain. We find our feet again, and the ground under us sprouts a new crop of seed. That is always the way of it. I don't suppose this storm will be any different.
- Lisa Wingate
A good heart can't ever let the bad get in, Mama's voice whispers in my head. You got a good heart, Hannie. Don't let the bad get in you. Don't open the door to it, no matter how much it comes knockin' or how sweet it sounds askin'.
- Lisa Wingate
I wanted to write it on paper and fold it up in a box to remind myself, the next time I couldn't see anything but mountains ahead, that where there's a mountain, there's always a river flowing nearby. Ultimately the river is the more powerful of the two.
- Lisa Wingate
my multifold years of life, I have learned that most people get along as best they can. They don't intend to hurt anyone. It is merely a terrible by-product of surviving.
- Lisa Wingate
Ultimately, it's not so much what life deals you as what you choose to own that matters, a spiritually searching law clerk had once said to
- Lisa Wingate
What we cannot change, we must endure without bitterness.
- Lisa Wingate
The rainbows of life come after the storms.
- Lisa Wingate
The storms come and it's water and wind as far as the eye can see for a bit. But winds calm and the waters drain. We find our feet again, and the ground under us sprouts a new crop of seed. That is always the way of it. I don't suppose this storm will be any different.
- Lisa Wingate