Quotes about Adversity
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, we will never lose our value in God's eyes. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, we are still priceless to Him.
- Joyce Meyer
When you become discouraged, you become weak and lose the courage you need to go forward. What must you do in times of discouragement? Shake it off! P
- Joyce Meyer
climb mountains swiftly) is "to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make [spiritual] progress upon" the "high places [of trouble, suffering or responsibility]!
- Joyce Meyer
Let circumstances do what they will—and as far as you're concerned, be determined to remain stable.
- Joyce Meyer
Eagles are not intimidated by the heights and forceful winds that other birds may fear. Instead, they take advantage of the gales, flying into the wind, setting their wings so the gusts only lift them higher. Nor do eagles waste time battling with other birds that are pests to them. When attacked, they simply mount up higher and higher until they reach an altitude in which their enemies cannot survive.
- Joyce Meyer
Being positive in a positive situation is easy. Anyone can do that. But when we are positive in a negative situation, it shows a genuine trust in God and a spiritual maturity that pleases and glorifies God.
- Joyce Meyer
You can't control what happens to you, but you can determine to go through it with the right attitude. In
- Joyce Meyer
A person who refuses to give up will always succeed, eventually. Henry Ford failed and went broke five times before he succeeded. NBA superstar Michael Jordan was once cut from his high school basketball team. After his first audition, screen legend Fred Astaire received the following assessment from an MGM executive: "Can't act. Slightly bald. Can dance a little.
- Joyce Meyer
The peace Jesus gives operates in good times or bad, when you are abounding or being abased. His peace operates in the middle of the storm. It
- Joyce Meyer
Even when things are coming against me and things aren't working out the way I'd like, I still want to display the character of Jesus Christ.
- Joyce Meyer
We can look at Joseph's example and realize through good times and bad, we must stay the course, being diligent and enthusiastic about what God brings. If He brings you to it, we must remember, He will bring you through it as well.
- Joyce Meyer
start their day on the "wrong foot." They feel all right when they wake up, but as soon as something goes wrong, they lose their footing and walk with a "loser's limp" the rest of the day. Once they are off to a bad start, it seems they never catch up.
- Joyce Meyer