Quotes about Adversity
Hammer away, ye hostile bands. Your hammers break; God's anvil stands.
- Richard Wurmbrand
We will respond, even in the face of irony and slander, with the sweetness of love. We can afford to take this attitude because good anvils do not fear the blows of many hammers.
- Richard Wurmbrand
How we respond to what happens to us - especially the painful, excruciating things that we never wanted and we have no control over - is a creative act.
- Rob Bell
Find me one person who's doing something interesting in the world who hasn't felt the hot sting of a NO. Or a door slammed in the face. Or boos. Or a rejection letter. Or a tepid reception. Or bankruptcy. Or gotten fired.
- Rob Bell
He says the best way out is always through. / And I can agree to that, or in so far / As that I can see no way out but through
- Robert Frost
Lodged The rain to the wind said, 'You push and I'll pelt.' They so smote the garden bed. That the flowers actually knelt, And lay lodged -- though not dead. I know how the flowers felt.
- Robert Frost
Grievances are a form of impatience. Griefs are a form of patience.
- Robert Frost
The only way out is through.
- Robert Frost
If you're too weak to handle failure and disappointment, then you're too weak to handle success, which will only end up damaging your life and happiness.
- Kevin Hart
Every experience is a potential life lesson. Even if you don't appreciate it at the time, each struggle in the present is preparing you for something else in the future.
- Kevin Hart
Napoleon Hill had a beautiful spin on the moments when things don't work out the way you planned and unexpected hardship falls on you. Instead of coming from a negative place and looking at those moments as a "failure," he called them "temporary defeats.
- Kevin Hart
Forget what I said. None of that matters, you know why? Because it's still a choice. Everyone gets hurt. It's what you do with it that matters.' 'Can you change how you feel?' 'No. But you can change how you act.
- Kristen Heitzmann