Quotes about Adversity
We can spend our days bemoaning our losses, or we can grow from them. Ultimately the choice is ours. We can be victims of circumstance or masters of our own fate, but make no mistake, we cannot be both. The Walk - Epilogue Page 288
- Richard Paul Evans
Only those who never step, never stumble.
- Richard Paul Evans
People talk of life's storms as if they are universal experiences. But they're not. Some people hear thunder while others touch lightning.
- Richard Paul Evans
I have wondered why it is that our greatest triumphs spring from our greatest extremity and adversity. Perhaps it is because we are so resistant to change, we only move when our seat becomes too hot to occupy.
- Richard Paul Evans
Sometimes life is like that...Things that seem bad at the time are really blessings.
- Richard Paul Evans
It is in the darkest skies that stars are best seen.
- Richard Paul Evans
For the third time since I began, my walk has been delayed. In the beginning, I had considered these stops on my journey as interruptions---but I'm coming to understand that perhaps these detours are my journey. No matter how much I, or the rest of humanity wishes otherwise, life is not lived in smooth, downhill expressways, but in the obscure, perilous trails and rocky back roads of life where we stumble and feel our way through the fog of the unknown.
- Richard Paul Evans
The sun will rise again. The only uncertainty is whether or not we will rise to greet it. Alan Christensen's diary
- Richard Paul Evans
There is one day that has brought me unspeakable pain, & the effects of that day continue to cover & erode my world like rust. I suspect that someday the rust will eat through the joists & posts of my life & I will topple, literally as well as figuratively.
- Richard Paul Evans
That which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger," Mike said. "Except bears. Bears will kill you.
- Richard Paul Evans
We climb mountains because the valleys are full of cemeteries. The secret of survival is to climb, even in the dark, even when the climb seems pointless. The climb, not the summit, is the thing. And the great don't just climb mountains, they carve them as they go. Korczak
- Richard Paul Evans
Like all living things, love, too, struggles against hardship, and in the process sheds its fatuous skin to expose one composed of more than just a storm of emotion-one of loyalty and divine friendship. And though it may be temporarily blinded by adversity, it never gives in or up, holding tight to lofty ideals that transcend this earth and time- while its counterfeit simply concludes it was mistaken and quickly runs off to find the next real thing.
- Richard Paul Evans