Quotes about Circumstances
I realized I knew the truth regarding God's sovereignty. What I had to do was to decide if I would trust Him, even when my heart ached. I realized anew that, just as we must learn to obey God one choice at a time, we must also learn to trust God one circumstance at a time. Trusting God is not a matter of my feelings but of my will. I never
- Jerry Bridges
The beginning, directs and orchestrates millions of events and circumstances every day.
- Jerry Bridges
If God controls the circumstances of the sparrow, how much more does He control the circumstances that affect us?
- Jerry Bridges
We must see our circumstances through God's love instead of, as we are prone to do, seeing God's love through our circumstances.
- Jerry Bridges
If I complain about the difficult circumstances of my life, I impugn the sovereignty and goodness of God and tempt my listener to do the same.
- Jerry Bridges
You must come to the self-realization that even though you couldn't control any of the crazy things that have happened in your life, your choices in response to those things are what have led you down this path you don't like.
- Andy Andrews
Circumstances do not push or pull. They are daily lessons to be studied and gleaned for new knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge and wisdom that is applied will bring about a brighter tomorrow. A person who is depressed is spending too much time thinking about the way things are now and not enough time thinking about how he wants things to be.
- Andy Andrews
God] wants you to go home, look at your bucket of seed, and determine in your heart how much you'd like to sow. He wants you to consider thoughtfully your current circumstances, your life, your potential, and your finances. He wants you to involve your family. He wants you to pray about it. And then He wants you to come up with a plan.
- Andy Stanley
What is the wise thing for you to do? You are a unique blend of past experiences, current circumstances, and future hopes and dreams. Wisdom allows you to customize the decision-making process to your specific professional, financial, and relational dimensions. Don't miss this opportunity.
- Andy Stanley
When our faith is down for the count, we need people who will speak truth to us, friends who will remind us of God's past faithfulness. We need people who will draw our attention outside of the realm of our immediate circumstances, people to put our circumstances in their proper context.
- Andy Stanley
But David felt something else as well. A tension. A hesitation. Something wasn't exactly right about all of this. But that inner hesitation made no sense in light of the circumstances in which he and his loyal men found themselves.
- Andy Stanley
So you see, that's why we ask the question: In light of my past experience, in light of my current circumstances, in light of my future hopes and dreams—regardless of where that leads—if I was wise, what would I do?
- Andy Stanley