Quotes about Circumstances
lazy thoughts crystallize into habits of uncleanliness and dishonesty, which solidify into circumstances of foulness and beggary: hateful and condemnatory thoughts crystallize into habits of accusation and violence
- James Allen
selfish thoughts of all kinds crystallize into habits of self-seeking, which solidify into circumstances more or less distressing.
- James Allen
beautiful thoughts of all kinds crystallize into habits of grace and kindliness, which solidify into genial and sunny circumstances: pure thoughts crystallize into habits of temperance and self-control, which solidify into circumstances of repose and peace:
- James Allen
energetic thoughts crystallize into habits of cleanliness and industry, which solidify into circumstances of pleasantness:
- James Allen
gentle and forgiving thoughts crystallize into habits of gentleness, which solidify into protective and preservative circumstances: loving and unselfish thoughts crystallize into habits of self-forgetfulness for others, which solidify into circumstances of sure and abiding prosperity and true riches.
- James Allen
Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditions, but when he realizes that he is a creative power, and that he may command the hidden soil and seeds of his being out of which circumstances grow, he then becomes the rightful master of himself. That
- James Allen
El alma atrae aquello que secretamente alberga; aquello que ama, y también aquello que teme; alcanza la cúspide de sus más preciadas aspiraciones, cae al nivel de sus más impuros deseos; y las circunstancias son los medios por los que el alma recibe lo que es suyo.
- James Allen
A precise educate of thought endured in, be it right or awful, can not fail to supply its effects at the character and instances. A man cannot without delay select his occasions, but he can pick his mind, and so in a roundabout way, but surely, form his situations.
- James Allen
That circumstances grow out of thought every man knows who has for any length of time practised self-control and self-purification, for he will have noticed that the alteration in his circumstances has been in exact ratio with his altered mental condition. So
- James Allen
As a progressive and evolving being, man is where he is that he may learn that he may grow; and as he learns the spiritual lesson which any circumstance contains for him, it passes away and gives place to other circumstances. Man
- James Allen
A man cannot directly choose his circumstances, but he can choose his thoughts, and so indirectly, yet surely, shape his circumstances.
- James Allen
The soul attracts that which it secretly harbours, that which it loves, and also that which it fears; it reaches the height of its cherished aspirations; it falls to the level of its unchastened desires—and circumstances are the means by which the soul receives its own.
- James Allen