Quotes about Challenges
God does not send the problem; genetics, chance, and bad luck do that. And God cannot make the problem go away, no matter how many prayers and good deeds we offer. What God does is promise us, I will be with you; you will feel burdened but you will never feel abandoned. In
- Harold S. Kushner
not take them away when we find the right words and rituals with which to beseech Him. Rather, God sends us strength and determination of which we did not believe ourselves capable, so that we can deal with, or live with, problems that no one can make go away.
- Harold S. Kushner
God does not send the problem. God sends us the strength to deal with the problem.
- Harold S. Kushner
To be a husband or wife, to be a parent, is inevitably to be aware of so many disappointing, exasperating things about your mate or child, but at the same time to see those people in depth, to see them with both eyes, and to be reminded of why you still love them.
- Harold S. Kushner
If we think of life as a kind of Olympic games, some of life's crises are sprints. They require maximum emotional concentration for a short time. Then they are over, and life returns to normal. But other crises are distance events. They ask us to maintain our concentration over a much longer period of time, and that can be a lot harder.
- Harold S. Kushner
There are over seven billion of us today.
- Jane Goodall
A sense of humor is a requisite to surviving in our demanding world.
- Janette Oke
But, you know, we have these entrenched entities - and I'm talking about both Republicans and Democrats - who believe that when you're elected to office, you become some kind of member of the aristocracy, and that anyone who challenges you is attacking you and is unpatriotic. This is foolishness.
- Ben Carson
Research is so unpredictable. There are periods when nothing works and all your experiments are a disaster and all your hypotheses are wrong.
- Francis Collins
Men with anger do not know how to deal with unreasonable, pushy people, particularly women.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
I always think there's this thing, when you live in New York, like, this unspoken agreement between everyone who lives there, like, 'We're sticking this out. It's the hardest place to live, but it's the best city in the world, so we are all going to do this together.'
- Jennifer Konner
The rising levels of production and content are prompting producers to take up unusual subjects.
- Binnu Dhillon