Quotes about Challenges
When you decide to live a totally surrendered life, that decision will be tested. Sometimes it will mean doing inconvenient, unpopular, costly, or seemingly impossible tasks. It will often mean doing the opposite of what you feel like doing.
- Rick Warren
We are always in the endless process of figuring out our ikigai. Your ikigai is a web of work and family and play and how you spend your time, what you give your energies to, what you say "yes" to, what you say "no" to, what new challenges you take on, things that come your way that you never wanted or planned for or know what to do with— your ikigai is a work in progress because you are a work in progress.
- Rob Bell
Find me one person who's doing something interesting in the world who hasn't felt the hot sting of a NO. Or a door slammed in the face. Or boos. Or a rejection letter. Or a tepid reception. Or bankruptcy. Or gotten fired.
- Rob Bell
Spirit is often lurking in whatever it is you most dislike.
- Rob Bell
He says the best way out is always through. / And I can agree to that, or in so far / As that I can see no way out but through
- Robert Frost
The best way out is always through
- Robert Frost
If you're too weak to handle failure and disappointment, then you're too weak to handle success, which will only end up damaging your life and happiness.
- Kevin Hart
Napoleon Hill had a beautiful spin on the moments when things don't work out the way you planned and unexpected hardship falls on you. Instead of coming from a negative place and looking at those moments as a "failure," he called them "temporary defeats.
- Kevin Hart
everyone has different challenges, different needs and strengths. Choices have consequences, but I now think that, even in the pits and traps, the Lord can make a way through.
- Kristen Heitzmann
My parents had a great marriage. Interestingly, it made it harder for me in relationships because I knew what a good relationship looked like.
- Candace Bushnell
Not every day can be an easy one, nor every day fully happy; but even a day of tough going and difficulty can be a good day.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Prayer alone will overcome the gigantic difficulties which confront the workers in every field.
- John Mott