Quotes about Compliance
Of all debts, men are least willing to pay their taxes; what a satire this is on government.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is true, that men may have Christ whenever they are willing to comply with His terms. But if you are not willing now, how can you think you shall be willing hereafter?
- Richard Baxter
No man ruleth safely but he that is willingly ruled.
- Thomas a Kempis
Begin and proceed on a settled conviction that but little is permitted to any man to do or to know, and if he complies with the first grand laws, he shall do well.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The greater number of men are merely corporals.
- Henry David Thoreau
Don't complain. The Israelites wasted forty years murmuring and complaining in the wilderness, when they could have just obeyed God and entered into their Promised Land.
- Joyce Meyer
The driver on the highway is safe not when He reads the signs, but when He obeys them.
- AW Tozer
It is right to submit to a higher authority whenever a command of God would be violated.
- St. Basil
God's mark is on everything that obeys Him.
- Martin Luther
And if I were a naughty little boy, the idea is to spank me into good behavior?
- Marquis de Sade